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The winning video of the Video Contest "Summer with Dotto" 2020.

Discovering Andalo and Paganella!

A splendid train ride through the past and present of Andalo, discovering the ancient farmsteads of the town.

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Dotto Trains history

Dotto’s long journey begins in 1966 in Castelfranco Veneto (Italy), when Ivo Dotto created the first train on tyres/ road train. Since 1962 Dotto Trains have spread across 50 countries of 5 continents.

Dotto trains are studied, designed and manufactured in Borgo Pieve factory, Castelfranco Veneto (Italy) respecting the community and the environment.

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Our trains around Sigurtà Park

Muson River in the old town of Gubbio

Sirius in San Marino

Electric trains around Bologna City

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